Tuesday, October 05, 2010


The (Current) Reckoning

Reckoned Woot shirts are just the top shirts from sales. They are listed from 1-20 with seven in the danger zone. The danger zone includes the shirts that are at risk of being pulled at the next reckoning.

There is a new reckoning every week. The more the shirt is bought the better chance it has of staying on the charts. A shirt on the list cost 15 dollars.

There are some shirts on the list that are new and some that are classics. The longest running shirt is Nevermore from derby #36-using text as art which has been on the list for 130 weeks now. The most sold shirt is The Binge from derby #111-Blues which has sold 32,834 shirts as of now.

Make sure to keep your favorite shirts up on the list by buying them and giving them as presents if you would like! The next Reckoning is coming!

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