Friday, October 01, 2010

Woot Woorkers

The people of Shirt.Woot seem to really like their job. If you just read the things they write rather it be the derby, comments, or just the general information of the website, you can just tell that these people enjoy their jobs.

It is really entertaining just reading the comments they put for Today’ Woot. “Wear this shirt:” “Don’t wear this shirt:” “We call this color:” are all creatively written for the reader to enjoy.

There are also some funny remarks on the FAQ. This makes reading all that information more enjoyable because it is not like a robot typed it up. It is almost like having a conversation with that person.

Even when a submission is reject, the reason is given as to why it was rejected is simply put. There is no general tag put, but a personal reason. It gives the site much more of a personable feel as opposed to an electronic-drone feel. The site because of their fun creative workers becomes a more amusing-fun site.

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